latest kenyan news

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

New Video of shiro wa aunty boss titled Kuni resurfaces after the first tape

It has been a long week for popular Kenya presenter shiro,She was featured adult video which she has vehimently denied it is her.
Shiro took to Instagram to diss haters who released the video.she was literally sitting and holding sticks representating kuni and miti.

On her Facebook account on Tuesday, Shiro said the woman on the video is not her and she pities the lady.
"Haiyaa! Hivi ndio mwaka mpya after birthday inaanza?! Naambiwa jana mtandao imewaka moto juu ya ile kuni imerushwa huko Halafu maswali za "Ni yeye?! Ni wewe?!" Please, that lady currently being exposed, insulted, objectified and embarrassed is not me. And I really feel for her, I would never wish this on my worst enemy. When you trust someone with your vulnerability and they do something like this, it destroys a part of you. I really hope she is able to recover from this," she wrote on her Facebook.
The actress went ahead to claim that her journey to the top has earned her haters who can't wait to tear her down.
She stated that the backlash she got after the 'fake' video leaked has given her strength to forge on in achieving her dreams.
"I appreciate you more as some took this as an opportunity to insult, ridicule and humiliate me by sending very damning and unmentionable messages. Good thing is that it reminded me that when you are on your way up, there are those who can't wait to tear you down. We shall rise above this. We shall not ignore or forget it, but let us all learn from it! Now I am even motivated to do more!,

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